Zendrella Love

Your soft dommy mommy


Services and Rates

REMOTE IN SERVICES ARE TEMPORARILY ON HOLD. Working some kinks out with the program.

Must be over the age of 18. Please confirm with first message or I won't respond regardless of payment.

Please screenshot proof of payment and send on Twitter. I will do my best to respond within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends. If you want a custom service, chat with me! I'll see what we can work out💕

About Me

Name: Zendrella Love
Species: Love Dragon
Age: Appears 33 in human years.
Gender: Female however love dragons can take on features of any gender.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (Love is love. It's in the name ♡)
Occupation: Part time professor, full time comfy soft dom (with some switch tendencies. Who doesn't like being ravaged once in a while).
Chaotic Side: Love can be chaotic and sometimes when the chaos builds, it has to be released...
Lore: Lore to come...

Rules for RPing with me

I do RP for fun but if you want a better chance of securing a scene with me, a Kofi donation doesn't hurt...

RP Guidelines:
-18+ people only (even if we aren't lewd)
-OOC chat me if things get steamy/lewd regarding concept of scene and boundaries first. If you don't bother for consent I won't bother with you.
-No extreme kinks (scat/gore/noncon etc)
-If at any given time you make me feel uncomfortable I will try to transition out of the part that is making me uncomfortable. If you're not getting the hint, I will try and OOC mention it. If you still don't get the hint I will stop the scene and no longer interact.
-If you're making me extremely uncomfortable I may just block you right off the bat.